Planning Your Trip
We are open 10.00 – 16.30 Tuesdays to Sundays and on Bank Holiday Mondays. Special opening hours can sometimes be arranged for larger groups if required. Groups generally spend a minimum of an hour in the museum and usually longer. If you are using our activities or taking part in an educational workshop more time will be needed.
Keep an eye out on our Eventbrite page and on the Main Website to see what exciting holiday workshops we have planned.
NB We are closed 24-26 December and 31st December. Please check our museum home page for any other closures during the Covid pandemic
We are keen to encourage leaders bringing groups to come to us for a free visit in advance of the trip and a meeting can be arranged with our Education Officer. Contact to set up your visit or meeting.
Museum Shop
The museum shop sells books, gifts and souvenirs suitable for all ages and budgets, including pocket money souvenirs. If you are bringing more than 10 children and want to use this facility, please let us know in advance so that it can be timetabled in to your visit.
How is the Day Organised?
For a supported school trip, we generally run a carousel of activities. The group usually arrives at about 10:00am and will have a welcome and introductory talk. They then divide into three groups which take it in turns to do three activities, with a break between the second and third activities for them to eat their packed lunch. They depart at around 2:00pm. For a sample timetable, please contact the Education Officer. Group visits are generally planned according to needs and activities chosen.
How to Book
Contact to arrange your visit or telephone on 020 7713 0836 (between 1000 and 1600 Tuesdays to Sundays) to check general availability. Please note that although there may not be a member of the Education Team on site, messages are passed on quickly and will be answered as soon as possible.
Admission Prices:
- We charge: £125 for a self led visit to the museum where activities and a trail can be provided to help structure your visit. These resources will be sent out before your trip to ensure you are comfortable with using them yourself around the museum.
- £175 to have a workshop led by a member of our Education team as part of your visit to the museum.
- £225 to have two different workshops led my a member of our Education team as part of your visit to the museum.
Free entry for group leaders and other accompanying adults up to a ratio of 1 adult:4 children. Additional adults charged at the normal admission rate – see
Payment may be made on the day or later on our Xero invoice system. Payment can be made by cash, credit or debit card or via BACs. Charges for additional services such as boat trips will usually be made directly to the provider to avoid the payment of VAT to the museum.