
If your guests need to stay overnight

Venue Hire

The museum is close to King's Cross and St. Pancras Stations, in an area which is home to a large number of hotels

Hotels for all

There are hotels for everyone ranging from the business executive to the backpacker. Customers who have booked an event at the museum can ask for a list of hotels in the area and we will be happy to offer our local knowledge to help.

Getting back to your hotel

The area between the museum and the majority of the hotels is a busy area, day and night, although the street in which the museum is situated, New Wharf Road, is quieter. There are always people about and whilst it is sensible to take precautions in any large city, central London is generally safe at night. There is no reason to worry about walking to your hotel. Mini-cabs can collect you from the museum and take you to your hotel if you wish.


A hotel mapping and booking service is provided by Note that not all the hotels in the viscinity are included in this service.

Business hotels

Many of the major hotel chains have a hotel in or around the St. Pancras and King's Cross area. There are several hotels on Euston Road, around the stations, and on Pentonville Road and King's Cross Road.

At weekends, business hotels are sometimes happy to negotiate an advantageous deal, especially for a block booking associated with a wedding etc. The larger hotels are:

Budget Hotels

The area to the south side of the Euston Road is about 5-10 minutes walk from the museum. This area has a large number of small hotels. These offer budget accommodation. The rooms are often very small and breakfast isn't five star but standards have improved a good deal in recent years and they mostly offer a clean, if basic hotel service.


There is a YHA hostel opposite St. Pancras Station, there are other backpacker hostels in the area


King's Cross boats quite a few cafes that are open for breakfast and these usually offer a good breakfast at a lower cost than some hotels