Terms and Conditions

A guide to the "small print"

Venue Hire

Customers will be asked to sign our conditions of hire. This page sets out the terms and conditions. However the terms may be customised for individual clients on occasions therefore this page should be taken as a guide only. The conditions for your event are those that are sent to you and you should read them carefully. The numbering won't be the same on the printed conditions as below.

Events in the museum galleries

  1. The accommodation being hired comprises all the public areas of the museum (except the shop, the boat cabin, and the horse power exhibition) [ Sometimes included: plus use of the conference room and kitchen.] Access is not permitted to any other part of the building. There is no access before the start time above without prior arrangement.
  2. The event is a private event for invited guests only. [This condition will not be included for fund-raisng events that have been discussed with in advance]
  3. 3. The charge for the hire of the museum is £xxxx excluding VAT, storage outside the hire times, refreshments and equipment hire or other services for which a separate charge has been quoted. A non-refundable deposit of £150 is payable on booking. The balance is payable at least 24 hours before the event. In the event of cancellation by the client later than 48 hours before the start of the event the full charge is payable plus any charges for storage facilities that have been booked but not including any additional furniture or equipment hire or services..[Private clients must pay in full before the start of the event. Established businesses and organisations are usually offered credit terms]
  4. The cost of repairing any damage to the building or its contents or other property resulting from the hire shall be the full responsibility of the hirer who agrees to reimburse the Trust for its expenditure on such repairs, or to pay reasonable compensation if the damage cannot be repaired.
  5. In the event that special cleaning is required over and beyond the normal cleaning to be expected following an event of the type for which the museum is hired, the hirer agrees to reimburse the Trust for its expenditure on that special cleaning. (For example, soiling of an exhibit, carpet, or the fabric of the building)
  6. The hirer is responsible for ensuring that only invitees to his or her event are admitted, and for the consequences of any breach of security. The front door must either be left secure or be attended by a responsible person at all times.
  7. Access to the canalside area is only permitted before 2200 and guests must not pass south of the museum's exterior wall. No furniture may be placed outside the building, except for use by a disabled person.
  8. The maximum number of persons shall not exceed 200 (number)
  9. The premises shall be vacated by XX30 (time). The hirer will by this time remove from the premises all property that has been brought into the building for the event, (including by caterers and other third parties) unless prior agreement has been reached for storage. Additional charges will be made for storage outside the times of hire. Items to be stored overnight will be placed as requested by the Trust's representative so as not to impede the cleaning and preparation of the museum for opening. If any property is left behind without prior agreement the extra charge will be a minimum of £30 plus VAT and the cost of removal of any large item will be payable by the client. [We do all the clearing up and putting away at the end. Storage of your property for later collection has to be booked and paid for. There would be an extra charge if something is left behind without agreement and if this is a large thing that we cannot store, you will be responsible for the cost of having it removed.]
  10. No alcohol shall be sold on the premises unless the hirer, or a third party approved by the Trust, has with the Trust's prior permission and in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 issued a Temporary Event Notice to the London Borough of Islington and the Metropolitan Police. A copy of any such notice and the acknowledgement must be supplied to the Trust in advance. No alcohol shall be served later than 15 minutes before the finishing time.
  11. Hirers must make their own catering arrangements. The museum has limited facilities for food preparation. The hirer, or his/her caterer is responsible for ensuring full compliance with all food hygiene legislation.
  12. Children must be supervised by adults at all times.

Music events

[those with disco or live band or similar]

  1. The level of noise audible outside must be limited to protect local residents from disturbance and all amplifiers (except small portable music players) must be connected through the museum's noise limiting system, which may disconnect the equipment. Windows and external doors must be kept closed when loud music is being played. The hirer and any musician, performer, or disc jockey who is involved in the event will comply with any noise reduction requests from the museum's duty manager. These requirements must be brought to the attention of any such musician, performer, or disc jockey. Live music is only permitted by prior written agreement and may be subject to additional conditions. [Note: we never agree to karaoke]Clients must adhere to the museum's noise control policy published online
  2. Additional conditions apply if the finishing time is later than 2300. These must be accepted by the client by signature and form part of these conditions in the case of events ending after 2300.

Non-music events

[background music is allowed]

  1. Background level music and amplified speech is acceptable inside the building provided that it cannot be heard outside the building. No other music or noise is permitted. Windows and doors must be kept closed when necessary to ensure that noise cannot be heard by the museum's neighbours. Live background music is permitted subject to the Trust's prior written approval. Disk Jockeys are not permitted. Amplified singing is not permitted.

All Events

  1. A smoke generator may only be used with the permission of the museum's duty manager. If smoke-generating equipment is used without permission, the hirer will be responsible for reimbursing the Trust any charges made by the fire brigade for attending a false alarm. All fireworks are prohibited.
  2. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building, by law.
  3. Museum exhibitions may change over time and this may affect the layout and appearance of the building.
  4. In the event of illegal smoking or a breach of these conditions causing damage, nuisance to neighbours, or reasonable grounds for fearing such damage or nuisance, the Trust or its representative reserve the right:
    • To require the offending party (Guest, musician, disk jockey or other person) to leave the premises
    • If the offending party refuses to leave, to terminate the function (the full hire charge will still be payable)
    • To disconnect electricity supplies to noise producing equipment.
    • To cancel any further bookings which have been made.

Events ending later than 2300

[After 2300 we must be especially careful to ensure that our neighbours are not disturbed. The additional conditions enable customers and their guests to enjoy the event to the end without causing disturbance to local residents.]

  1. The use of microphones is not permitted after 2300.
  2. Recorded music may be played from 2300 until the end of the event at a moderate volume. The museum's noise limiter will be set to a lower, late-night setting. [Live instrumental performances at a low volume may be possible after 2300, in which case this condition may be modified]
  3. After 2300 no re-admission to the premises is permitted and guests must not go outside the building for any reason other than to leave the event or in emergency. There is no indoor or outdoor location for smoking after 2300 and guests must either refrain from smoking or leave for the evening after this time. Guests must not use New Wharf Road as a waiting area for taxis or other transport; they may use the museum's telephone to call a cab or minicab and should wait indoors. An exception will be made to this condition where a vehicle has to be loaded or for assistance to a disabled person.
  4. If guests break condition 3 above, and go outside the building (other than to leave for the night) the museum's duty manager may end the event earlier than planned, in which case no refund of charges will be due.
  5. I/We undertake to inform guests in advance of condition 3 above.

Events in the Small Meeting Room

  1. The accommodation being hired comprises the museum's conference and education room on the first floor of the building. Access to the premises is not available before start time above without prior arrangement.
  2. The charge for the hire of the room is £XX excluding VAT, storage outside the hire period, equipment hire or other services for which a separate charge has been quoted. A deposit of £XX [£30 for many bookings] is payable on booking. The invoice following the event is payable within 14 days. [Private clients must settle their final invoice before the start of the event] No refund of deposit is payable if the hire is cancelled by the customer. The full charge is payable if the booking is cancelled later than 24 hours prior to the start of the hire period.
  3. The cost of repairing any damage to the building or its contents or other property resulting from the hire shall be the full responsibility of the hirer who agrees to reimburse the Trust for its expenditure on such repairs, or to pay reasonable compensation if the damage cannot be repaired.
  4. In the event that special cleaning is required over and beyond the normal cleaning to be expected following an event of the type for which the museum is hired, the hirer agrees to reimburse the Trust for its expenditure on that special cleaning. (For example, soiling of an exhibit, carpet, or the fabric of the building could result in a need for special cleaning.)
  5. The hirer will be held responsible for the consequences of any breaches of security arising from the event resulting in loss or damage to the Museum, its staff, visitors, or neighbours.
  6. The maximum number of persons shall not exceed twenty.
  7. The premises shall be vacated by 1630 (time). The hirer will by this time remove from the premises all property that has been brought into the building for the event, (including by caterers, and other third parties) unless prior agreement has been reached for storage. An extra charge will be made for storage outside the times of hire.
  8. Hirers must make their own arrangements for any catering required. The museum has limited facilities for the preparation of food. The hirer, or the person or organisation which carries out catering on behalf of the hirer, is responsible for ensuring full compliance with all food hygiene and temperature control legislation.
  9. No music or noise, which may be audible outside the building, is permitted. Windows and doors must be kept closed when necessary to ensure that the museum's neighbours cannot hear noise.
  10. In the event of a breach of these conditions causing damage, nuisance to neighbours , or reasonable grounds for fearing such damage or nuisance, the Trust or its representative reserve the right:
    • To require the offending party (Guest or other person) to leave the premises
    • If the nuisance cannot be controlled at an acceptable level, or the offending party refuses to leave, to terminate the function (in which case the full hire charge will still be payable)
    • To disconnect electricity supplies to noise producing equipment.
    • To cancel any further bookings which have been made.

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Key Points

Payment Terms

Clients are asked to pay a deposit on booking. Public sector organisatons such as local authorities can be offered an alternative agreement that provides for a cancellation charge instead of a deposit. The booking is provisional until the deposit has been paid and the signed conditions have been received back by us.

We don't ask for final payment long in advance. Private clients must pay 24 hours before the start of the event. It is best to settle a bit sooner than that to allow time for any problem solving.

Business clients and established organisations are generally offered credit terms.

Payment can be by cheque, bank transfer, or credit/debit card. Personal cheques have to be received 10 days in advance to allow time for banking and clearing.


If your event is unusual in some way and you do not feel that the standard conditions are appropriate to the event, we will consider variations. However, the same principles will apply.