Teachers & Group Leaders

Tale Of A Tunnel

Key Stage 2


This lesson tells the story of the construction of the Islington Tunnel on the Regent's Canal, from 1812 onwards. It describes some of the difficulties encountered, both physical and financial. It gives children an opportunity to calculate what some of the building costs were, and why the construction ran into financial difficulties. Includes an educational board game.

National Curriculum


  • The pupils will carry out a local history study
  • The pupils will study a significant turning point in British history


  • Pupils solve simple problems in contexts, deciding which of the four operations to use and why.

Learning Objectives

  • To learn the history of the Islington Tunnel.
  • To learn more about the local history of the area.
  • To learn how the tunnel was built.
  • To practice their mathematical problem solving skills.


  • All children will learn that the Islington Tunnel was built by hand, with difficulty.
  • Most children will understand what some of the major difficulties were.
  • Some children will understand why it took so long to complete the Tunnel.
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