Bloomberg App

Free digital guide


Enjoy more ways to explore our collection with the free London Canal Museum digital guide available on Bloomberg Connects, the arts and culture app. Access insights from our collection directly on your mobile or tablet. The museum's digital guide offers you the chance to explore highlights from our collection and learn more about our interesting stories.

Accessing the Bloomberg App

The Bloomberg App is free and is available from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store

You can download here:

When you have installed the Bloomberg App, search for 'London Canal Museum'

Free wifi is available at the museum - search for LCM-GUEST. The password is displayed close to reception.

The content on our guide has been designed to support accessibility, from audio transcripts to information about our facilities. The app auto translates into over 40 languages thanks to integration with Google Translate. You'll find all the information you need to plan your visit, including directions, our opening times, admission prices, wifi details and more on the app.

A mobile phone is held in a hand, the screen shows an image of the museum

Discover our collection

Our guide showcases highlights from our collections including a 'Top ten things to see' and a 'Family fun' tour aimed at children and parents. Dive deeper into our stories from across the museum with our collections on the app.

The 'Family activities' page gives you an insight into our offer for families, including things not to miss. Our 'What's on' section helps you enhance your time at the museum through events and boat trips.

After your visit, you can use the app to view more detail on our collections at home, or anywhere, anytime!

A large image of the museum surrounded by small images taken from the app

About Bloomberg Connects

We are delighted to work in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies to make this digital guide possible.

In addition to the London Canal Museum, Bloomberg Connects lets you explore hundreds of museums, galleries, sculpture parks, gardens, and cultural spaces around the world, all with one free download from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

For more information about Bloomberg Connects, see the Bloomberg Connects website and download the app today.

QR Code for direct route to museum content on app.

If you are viewing this page on a computer or tablet, scan the QR code with your mobile phone to reach our content on the Bloomberg App.