Angel Canal Festival Over The Years

The Stalls

Festival of Stalls and side-shows

A stall under a gazebo with advertising banners

The London Canal Museum stand at the festival in 2013

Stalls left and crowds centre on the towpath, boats to the right

Crowds mingle on the towpath in 1998. The stalls are lined up on the north side of the canal.

Cake stall close up - staff behind table laden with cake

For many years stalls sold home-made and delicious cakes at the festival. This was in 2007.

Stalls alongside wide towpath and canal. 1995

The festival in 1995. Stalls and sunshine.

A mobile sausage stall with colourful wheels and paintwork

Sausages for sale in 2007. Yum Yum!

A stall of painted traditional canalware in multiple bright colours

Traditional painted canal folk art is alive and well and painted canalware items are often sold at stands at the festival. 2007

A blue small industrial tractor in front of a gazebo

In 2019 the London Canal Museum showed its 1960 canal towpath tractor, newly restored, at the festival, for the first time. It was driven through the streets under its own power.

Colourful trade union historical banner

Some stalls are selling ideas, organisations, political points of view, rather than food, drink, and gifts!

Wheeled candy floss stall, yellow with large wheel

The variety of stalls selling an amazing range of food is always a delight. 2016

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