Festival of Stalls and side-shows
The London Canal Museum stand at the festival in 2013
Crowds mingle on the towpath in 1998. The stalls are lined up on the north side of the canal.
For many years stalls sold home-made and delicious cakes at the festival. This was in 2007.
The festival in 1995. Stalls and sunshine.
Sausages for sale in 2007. Yum Yum!
Traditional painted canal folk art is alive and well and painted canalware items are often sold at stands at the festival. 2007
In 2019 the London Canal Museum showed its 1960 canal towpath tractor, newly restored, at the festival, for the first time. It was driven through the streets under its own power.
Some stalls are selling ideas, organisations, political points of view, rather than food, drink, and gifts!
The variety of stalls selling an amazing range of food is always a delight. 2016
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