Festival of a Miscellany of Entertainment
In 2011 there was an island floating on the London canals and it paid a visit.
The hottest chilli in the world. In 2009
This menu was a work of art, in 2012.
2007 was a special year, the festival's 21st birthday. The celebrations included this cake, provided by London Canal Museum, and duly sliced by the Mayor.
An unusual sort of stand with a shelter on a boat selling refreshments
The tradition of Punch and Judy puppet shows goes back 350 years and children love it just as much as previous generations. Here is the stand in 2014. For a history of Punch and July see the V and A Museum.
In most years displays of falconry or birds of prey have delighed the public. This was 2015.
Small fairground rides are positioned on closed streets. This was in 2002.
In 2007 this climbing structure was a different part of the day's entertainment. Not for the cowardly!
Taken by Beryl Windsor herself, this picture reminds us of all the work that the pubic did not see. Volunteers' sweatshirts on Beryl Windsor's own washing line, after the festival was over on 16th September 2008.
In this year of coronavirus misery, when most public events have been cancelled, we hope this exhibition has shown the great joy of the Angel Canal Festival, now a local institution in London. The festival ran for 33 years without a break and we hope that, now managed by the Canal and River Trust, it will run for many more years after social distancing has become a painful memory. It has brought delight to many thousands, highlighted the value of the canal in London, and enabled many community organisations to promote themselves and sometimes make a little money too. Long may it continue.
The London Canal Museum would like to thank all the contributors who have provided photographs of which only a small number are displayed in the exhibition. In particular we thank Steve Burt for having diligently retained the festival committee's collection and made it available to us.