Festival of Music and Dancing
Peripatetic instrumentalists have featured in most festivals - or wandering minstrels if you prefer! 2002
Strolling bands share the towpath with crowds. 2003
Usually there is a band playing beside City Road Lock. 2005
Morris dancing has featured in most years on the towpath and the streets. 2005
Bands of music also play in allocated positions between the stalls, where there is enough width! 2007
Majorettes and dancers of all sorts entertain the crowds. 2007
The lock is a stage every year to entertain a happy crowd. 2007
Graham Street and other nearby roads are closed to facilitate the festival. Dancing in the streets, 2007
Sitting by the waterside. Performing on the lock in 2015.
On the foredeck of the narrowboat Helix, a brass band performs. 2007
Multi-coloured costume and double bass. Music comes in great variety at the 2009 festival!
The scene has changed over the years with the controversial construction of a large modern building beside City Road Lock. It did not dampen the joy of this 2009 performance.
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