Wonderful People
Crystal Hale, 1915-1999, is recognised as the founder of the festival in 1986. She was a tireless campaigner, notably for City Road Basin to be saved from redevelopment, and is credited with preventing its loss.
Beryl Windsor, who died in 2019 was recognised with the British Empire Medal for her indefatigable work leading the management committee of the festival until 2018. For many years Beryl and a small group of colleagues kept the festival going and growing. The festival was taken over by the Canal and River Trust in 2019.
Costumed characters of all sorts have graced the paving stones of the towpath over the years. This was 2005.
On the day, a large team of volunteers is required. Here are some of them posing for the camera in 2014.
The Pearly King and Queen are a long tradition. They are often seen at the festival, kitted out in magnificent style. 2012.
Would it be an Angel festival without angels? These huge costumed characters delighted the crowds in 2013.
In 2008, the festival had a visitor from outer space!
In 2011 this plaque was installed to remember the late Crystal Hale, founder of the festival.
Hello Hello Hello! What's going on here? On the towpath in 2009.
Coffee from a boat in 2018. The cheerful vendor. Note in particular the sign of changing times "Cash is dead". The stall only accepted contactless card payments. When the festival started in 1986 that would have seemed incredible.
In 2009 this bizarre costume appears at the festival. We don't know what it was made of!
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