Regent's 200 Photo Competition

Information and rules

Regent's 200

The museum's Regent's Canal 200 Photographic Competition was one of the few events able to take place in 2020 to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the opening of The Regent's Canal in 1820

The Canal in 2020

The aims of the competition were to celebrate the anniversary, and to create a collection of pictures of the canal in its 200th year

Congratulations go to Dave Feaster whose winning entry was the clear choice of the three judges.

View under bridge, black and white, shimmer effect

Congratulations to runner-up winners Adan Reyes-Sanchez (Black and white picture below) and Ray Hill (colour picture below)

Black and white atmospheric image of flats beside the canal at Camden

Angled footbridge over the canal at Camden, large brick buiding behind.

We'd like to thank all those who entered the competition for sending in their pictures - there were a lot of very stunning images amongst them. These pictures will be retained in the museum archive for future generations.

Competition Rules

The rules of the competition are retained here for reference.

Competition Rules for Reference

As for any competition, there have to be a few rules. These are the rules that apply to your participation in the competition. By submitting your entry you agree to these rules. If you do not agree, please do not enter the competition.

1. The promoter of the competition is The Canal Museum Trust. The Canal Museum Trust is a registered charity, number 277484, and is the organisation that runs the London Canal Museum. The competition is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook or any social media provider.

2. This competition is open to all United Kingdom residents aged 18 or over, except those who at any time between 1st August and 31st October 2020 (inclusive) are employees or volunteers at the London Canal Museum, their families or those otherwise associated with organising this competition.

3. This is a competition of skill not a ramdom prize draw. We will choose three entries to win the prizes. We will use our best endeavours to choose the most meritorious entries. The judges will be appointed by the Canal Museum Trust and their decision is final.

4. Your entry will not be considered if it is late, or not in our opinion a picture of The Regent's Canal. Entries that we consider not to be serious entries will be deleted. Pictures of the basins along the canal including Limehouse Basin, are eligible, but the pool of Little Venice is considered part of the former Grand Junction Canal so pictures of that are not eligible.

5. The prizes are cash and will be paid to a UK bank account only.

6. Your entry must be your own work and must be a digital photograph. JPG format is preferred but other common formats may be accepted at our discretion. The size of the picture should be between 2Mb and 12Mb

7. By entering the competition you agree to grant the Canal Museum Trust and any successor charity managing the London Canal Museum a permanent licence to hold the picture in its archive and make use of it for any purpose whatsoever, including for commercfial purposes, and you agree that full copyright in the picture will pass to the Canal Museum Trust or any successor on 1st August 2040. If you do not wish to grant these rights please do not submit your entry.

8. Winners will be notified via email. If you do not reply within a week we will award the prize to someone else.

9. Any personal information and contact details you supply will be used only for the purposes of administering the competition and for identification of the photographer in our archive records.

10. You do not need to buy anything, pay any fee, or even to follow the London Canal Museum on any social media, although we would be pleased if you did. You are welcome to post your entries on any social media with a reference to @canalmuseum and the hashtag #rc200photo

11. Winners will be named publicly. If you wish to remain anonymous you may supply a name by which you wish to be identified in publicity that must be realistic (i.e. not Micky Mouse or similar) but need not be your real name. We must be told your real name. We will quote your social media profile identities in publicity unless you specifically ask us not to.

12. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel this competition or alter any of the rules at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion and if circumstances arise outside of its control. For example the imposition of significant restrictions by local or national government arising from coronavirus could make it unfair on some entrants to continue.

13.You may not enter more than three pictures. If you are found to have entered more than three pictures by using different email addresses you will be disqualified.

14.All pictures must have been taken by the entrant.

15. Entries will be disqualified if they:

16. The competition is subject to the laws of England and Wales

Note. We refer to successor bodies in these conditions. That's because it is our intention to convert the present charity into a Charity Incorporated Organisation, which will supercede the present Canal Museum Trust charity. The rights will pass to the CIO when it is set up.