Knowledge Quarter

Where thinking joins up


London Canal Museum is a founder member of the Knowledge Quarter, a group of over 30 organisations clustered around King's Cross. Together, they form one of the greatest concentrations of knowledge anywhere in the world.

What is the Knowledge Quarter?

The new Knowledge Quarter, a partnership of 35 academic, cultural, research, scientific and media organisations based in Kings Cross, Euston and Bloomsbury, was launched by the Chancellor, George Osborne on 4th December 2014 at the British Library in London. The members, which range from the British Museum and the University of the Arts London to the Digital Catapult, Wellcome Trust, The Guardian and the Aga Khan University, work together to share their information, ideas, research and innovation. The aim of the Knowledge Quarter is to make the outstanding facilities, collections and expertise of its members understood, available and used as widely as possible for the benefit of researchers, creative people, students and the local community.

The objectives of the Knowledge Quarter are:

The Knowledge quarter has its own website:

The Knowledge Quarter - logo

London Canal Museum in the KQ

The museum is one of the founder members of the Knowledge Quarter. Two other museums, the Foundling Museum and the British Museum, are also members. We see value in connections with other cultural and learning organisations in the King's Cross neighbourhood, and look forward to more opportunities to work with our partners.

King's Cross as a Cultural Quarter

King's Cross has developed into a cultural quarter. London Canal Museum has been in the area since 1992, but in the early 1990s the area had but few cultural bodies. The Knowledge Quarter includes the Bloomsbury area, which was rather better provided with institutions of learning. That has now changed with the coming of the British Library, the University of the Arts, and a host of other deevelopments.

Knowledge Quarter Video