Online Booking

About the online booking system

What's On

You can book online for trips and events offered by London Canal Museum and our partners. Please ensure that you have read about the event or trip and understand the terms and conditions before you book.

To make a booking, please choose one of the following pages:

Tunnel boat trips through Islington Tunnel (Selected Thursdays and Sundays): Tunnel Trips

The Amazing Halloween Experience (last weekend of October): Halloween Experience

Roses and Castles Painting Workshops: Roses and Castles Painting Workshops

Take a guided walk along the canal with us: Guided towpath walks (none currently scheduled)

About Online Bookings

The online booking system is powered by Tygit.

Bookings may also be made by telephone and a telephone booking fee of £1 per booking is payable. Call 020 7713 0836 during opening hours. Staff will then be able to book this for you - but if you can do this yourself online, why not do so? You can also book in person at the museum. There is no booking fee if you book online or in person.

We will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose or pass it on to any other organisation except Tygit Ltd.

Q: I have a query about my booking and cannot find the answer.

A: E-mail

Problems Booking?

If you have a problem with your booking, we will try to help as quickly as possible. Please complete a problem report form.. Do not telephone us. We will call you if necessary. This form is monitored every day until late, not just when the museum is open and is for problems booking, not for general enquiries.