Customer Assistance

As for help here, if you need it, with the London Canal Museum online booking system.

Please do not telephone us for help as there are no technical support staff at the museum and reception staff cannot deal with issues such as cancellations, mistakes, or changes to your booking. Use this form at any time of the day or night. It is monitored daytimes and until late at night every day.

Your name:

Your e-mail address

Your telephone number

Tell us about the problem you are having. Do not simply tell us that something does not work. Explain exactly what happens when you are trying to make a booking. We will sometimes contact you by telephone so do please give us a number that you will answer, below. If you have different numbers at different times, please give them all. If you send this report in the evening tell us the latest time we can call you. We may call you back late at night if you don't tell us not to. In many cases we will respond by email, especially if the date you are trying to book is not imminent.